69 Things To Do When Bored and Stuck Indoors

Hi guys,

We’ve been under ‘lockdown’ for a while now and I’m sure many of you are feeling rather fed up, which is totally understandable. We must follow government guidelines and stay at home, but that doesn’t mean you have to write off every day as a duvet day (although it’s absolutely okay if you do want one of those).

Here are 69 things you can do if you’re feeling bored at home.

  1. Get baking
    If you’ve scrolled Insta and not seen a freshly baked banana bread then it’s a miracle, so naturally, I got involved! I’ve also made a lemon drizzle cake and some shortbread biccies. Creme egg brownies are next on the list (with my post-Easter discounted creme eggs!). I’d always suggest using BBC Good Food recipes – as they are tried and tested!
  2. Do some deep cleaning
    Of course cleaning is a regular occurrence anyway, but I’m talking about that serious cleaning (the kind Mrs Hinch would be proud of) – the move your bed, wash your windows, soak your cutlery kinda cleaning. So satisfying.
  3. Enjoy binge watching
    This is an art I have perfected over the past few weeks. There’s no reason to stop at one episode anymore. Series that I have loved are: Love is Blind, The Stranger and of course…. Tiger King.
  4. Read a book
    Having some quiet time to yourself and a good book is a nice way to spend an hour. If you’re looking for recommendations, there are plenty here and here.
  5. Learn to meditate
    This is something that I’m hoping to try during lockdown – with the help of the Headspace app. Note to self: Actually download The Headspace app.
  6. Listen to a podcast
    Usually I would listen to a podcast on my commute and now i’m stuck indoors, I actually forgot all about them first of all. But they are great to pop on while you’re getting ready in the morning – or when doing the washing up. Here are some recommendations for you.
  7. Play your fave song
    Whether it’s Stormzy session or a blast of Queen B, your fave tune will certainly lift your mood.
  8. Play guess the song
    This game has provided hours of fun for Arthur and I. Literally just get up Apple Music or Spotify on your phone and the other person has to guess the song name and artist – it’s harder than you think!
  9. Discover a new YouTube channel
    When it comes to YouTubers, I’ve got my firm faves like Lydia Millen, Emma Hill and Patricia Bright – but it’s nice to try out new channels once in a while. Especially if you’re all up to date with your faves.
  10. Change your profile pictures
    Now this is something you may not have done in a while – but how about switching up your Facebook, What’s App, Twitter, Instagram and even LinkedIn pictures?
  1. Paint your nails
    The perfect time to try a spot of nail art. I’m contemplating painting each nail a different pastel shade just to mix it up a lil.
  2. Take care of your plants
    Whether indoors or outdoors, give your plants a bit of TLC. Water them, prune them, re-pot them and use the PictureThis plant app if you need advice on how to care for your plants. It’s so clever!
  3. Create a new workout playlist
    You may be getting bored of your run playlist by now – so why not mix it up with something fresh?
  4. Try an at-home workout
    There are plenty of fitness brands hosting live workouts and i’ve already written a blog post all about them here.
  5. Take up a new hobby
    As much as your current means allow, you could consider discovering a new hobby during this time – knitting, pilates, poetry….?
  6. Do a digital declutter
    This has the potential of being a VERY satisfying task. Clear out all of your old emails, cull your Facebook friends list and finally leave those hen do What’s App groups from many moons ago.
  7. Make a TikTok video
    If you haven’t ventured into the world of TikTok yet, then boy are you missing out. It is HILARIOUS.
  8. Clear out your make-up drawer
    You will be surprised at the old, chalky make-up you uncover that needs to head straight to the bin, but you just might stumble across a gem you completely forgot about.
  9. Clean your make-up brushes
    Soap and water will do the trick to get your brushes nice and clean – and if you’ve got a make-up brush mat, then even better.
  10. FaceTime a friend
    Although we cannot see each other in person at the moment, thanks to technology we can still see the smiling faces of our loved ones. Make someone’s day and surprise them with a FaceTime call.
  11. Write to a friend
    Good old fashion letters or a postcard can go a long way. I’m always so appreciative of a hand-written note.
  12. Enjoy a long soak
    Nothing says ‘relaxing evening’ quite like a bubble bath. A glass of prosecco and a Lush bath bomb are optional extras.
  13. Full body moisturise
    While some people may do this every day, it’s a rare occasion for me – and definitely a luxe start to the day.
  14. Marie Kondo your wardrobe
    First of all, establish which items ‘spark joy’ for you and then origami fold them within an inch of their life until your wardrobe looks like a show home. So. Satisfying.
  15. Play a game
    I’m not a PlayStation kind of girl, but I am partial to a board game or a round of darts – or if you’re lucky enough to uncover a pack of cards when you clear out your crap drawer (see number 50) then there are plenty of games to try.
  16. Apply a hair mask or face mask
    There’s no need to wait until Sunday for a spot of self-care. Slather on a hair mask, apply a face mask and chill.
  17. Do some online shopping
    If your finances allow, you could dabble in a spot of online shopping. Ordering some new snuggly joggers for your days indoors could be just what you need to put a smile on your face. I’ve personally been splashing out on skincare because now, with make-up-free days, my attention has turned to having glowing skin.
  18. Write in your diary/journal
    The crazy thing is, we are actually living through history right now. Get your diary out and pen your thoughts – and if you’re anything like me, you’ll find the process of writing as being very cathartic.
  19. Create a bucket-list
    It’s funny that once we are told we can’t do something, all we want to do is do it. Now’s the time to make your ultimate bucket list – travelling the world, doing a sky dive, visiting London for afternoon tea – whatever it might be.
  1. Indulge in some wanderlust
    Our current travelling may be restricted to the local shops and a 5k around the park, however, once the world returns to normal and we are free to travel again, we are going to need an idea about where to head. Allow yourself to dream a little via Instagram.
  2. Movie night
    Find a Netflix film you haven’t seen before or whack on your fave DVD (Bridesmaids or The Greatest Showman for me), then order a takeaway and settle in for the night.
  3. Have a nap
    I’m not a regular napper, I’ll be honest, but timed perfectly, they can be the perfect reprieve in a long day at home.
  4. Do some DIY
    Whichever homeware project you’ve been putting off, you really have no excuse now.
  5. Get blogging
    Whether you are established or aspiring, now’s the time to blog!
  6. Try sewing
    I’m actually absolutely devastated that my sewing machine is back in Bristol and I don’t have access to it right now as I feel like now would have been the perfect opportunity for me to get back into sewing.
  7. Get your finances in check
    I know budgets are boring, but they are essential for managing your money. Write down all of your outgoings so you know how much disposable income you have for the month (e.g how much money you can splurge on ASOS).
  8. Perfect the art of Feng Shui
    Moving a few things around can really transform a room. Perhaps hang some pictures, rotate your sofa or move your mirror for a whole different feel.
  9. Mix a cocktail
    Cocky t’s are always a good idea. Enjoy!
  10. Embrace your artistic side
    Mindfulness colouring, painting and drawing are some of the things to embark on while being cooped up indoors.
  11. Delete unwanted photos
    With a camera roll clocking up thousands of photos, mine is in need of a serious cull.
  12. Complete a puzzle
    I can’t vouch for this first-hand, but both my mum and my bestie Chelsea have got on board with the latest puzzle trend and assure me that it’s a great way to spend an evening.
  13. Virtually visit a museum
    Thanks to Google Arts & Culture, you can actually view museum exhibits from your sofa. Cool, right?
  14. Colour code your bookshelf
    I actually do not have a book case – and I tend to take most of my books to the charity shop once I’m done, however, if I DID have a bookshelf I would definitely order it to look like a rainbow. Honestly, search ‘rainbow bookshelf’ on Pinterest. Totes amaze.
  15. Cook something new
    Depending on what you can get your hands on in the supermarket, you could try a different dish that you don’t usually have.
  16. Update your CV
    Even if a new job isn’t on the horizon, use this time to ensure your CV is up to date with your latest job history.
  17. Upcycle an outfit
    Always wanted ripped jeans? Now’s your chance. Fancy giving tie-dye a go? Knock yourself out…
  18. Give each other a massage
    If you’re lucky enough to be in lockdown with your partner (and you haven’t killed them yet), then you could arrange a blissful evening massage.
  19. Try a new make-up look
    Challenge yourself to leave lockdown having perfected winged eyeliner, contouring or that glossy eye-lid look.
  20. Clean/tidy your kitchen cupboards
    I cannot stress how satisfying this actually is. You discover things you COMPLETELY forgot about and getting rid of the surprising amount of grime in your cupboards is so rewarding (if not a little gross).
  1. Sort out that random crap drawer
    Yes, you know the one I mean. Do it now!
  2. Look into an energy switch
    I’ll admit, this is still on my to-do list – but an essential when you have some time on your hands – especially when you’re at home using WAY more electricity.
  3. Learn something new
    A TED talk or online course – whatever floats your boat. Just open your mind to learning something new.
  4. Leave reviews for good businesses
    This is something that I’m very keen to do as much as possible – because glowing reviews are essential for businesses – especially small ones. Leave them an online review or give them a shout out on social to show your gratitude. I did this recently for National Express who issued us a refund when we couldn’t travel due to COVID-19, by sending them a little Tweet to say thank you. I think people are quick to use Twitter to complain (me included) so it’s nice to use it for something positive.
  5. Care for your jewellery
    Untangling may be the first job on your list, but then I’d move on to polishing any silver pieces and throwing out any tarnished jewels. Top tip: paint the inside of any costume rings with clear nail varnish to stop your finger turning green.
  6. Update your passwords
    With cyber crime at an all-time high, you can never be too careful. Update your passwords to something not easy to guess and if you have to keep a record, store them safely.
  7. Start a Pinterest board
    It took me a while to get into Pinterest but now I’m a big fan. Granted, I don’t log in often, but when I do I remember just how much fun it is. Why not start a board to inspire your next DIY project?
  8. Create to-do lists
    I LOVE a to-do list. I write one pretty much every day as I find it a useful way to be productive. What’s on your to-do list for today?
  9. Get creative with picture frames
    If you’re artsy, you can create a masterpiece for inside a statement frame, but if you want a simple hack, use wallpaper samples or postcards to make unique artwork.
  10. Take pictures
    Whether it’s a cheeky selfie or a beauty shelfie – get snapping!
  11. Luxe up your skincare routine
    There is no excuse to skip those many skincare steps now – add in a serum or an oil and remember to use an eye cream!
  12. Re-watch videos on your phone
    Who knew that it would finally be useful that you shot every living minute of that Beyoncé concert all those years ago.
  13. Stream a concert or performance
    Many celebs have taken to Instagram and YouTube to stream live performances – and there are other party evenings to tune into – we watched a set from The Piano Works and it was great!
  14. Sign up/give to charity
    Now more than ever, kindness and selflessness is being celebrated. Could you sign up to volunteer? Could you clear out your wardrobe ready to give to charity? Could you participate in a challenge and donate?
  15. Update your address book
    Graduate to proper adult status by writing in that address book you got when you first moved home.
  16. Actually re-create hacks around the home
    You know those Facebook videos that have you mesmerised for hours on end when they turn a coke bottle into a lampshade or use matchsticks to make a vase or whatever? Well now is the time to give them a go (should you want to…)
  17. Make eco-changes now
    The slight upside of this horrific global pandemic is that the environment is actually flourishing. But we can still do little things to be more eco.
  18. Make a sign for your window
    I’ve proudly made a ‘thank you to the NHS’ sign for our flat window because my mum is a nurse and I’m SO proud of her. You could follow suit or join in with the beautiful rainbow displays I’ve seen around my neighbourhood.
  19. Watch all those must-see films you haven’t seen yet
    I am GUILTY for having not watched so many iconic films. Maybe by the time we come out of lockdown, I would have actually watched Harry Potter (no promises though…).
  20. Plan for the future
    Embrace this downtime to step back and think about your future. Whether it’s a savings plan or a change of career – put the plans in place to make it happen!!!

If you’ve come this far, firstly congrats and secondly, I hope you found this blog post useful. Please like and leave a comment below – and share with your friends!

Stay safe and keep busy.

R x

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11 responses to “69 Things To Do When Bored and Stuck Indoors”

  1. Love the comprehensiveness list, thanks Mz Rachel!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! Glad you found it useful 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Nice list. You have a lot of good ideas on there.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Glad you found it useful! X

      Liked by 1 person

  3. […] Keep yourself busy with 69 things to do when you’re stuck indoors […]


  4. Wowe wonderful tips!! Thanks for sharing♥️

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Love this list!! Podcasts aren’t the same when I’m commuting from bedroom to living room, but still finding the time to enjoy them! x

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yeah it’s funny isn’t it. I’ve been listening to some on my walk to the shops which has been a slice of normality! R x

      Liked by 1 person



  7. […] This ‘something’ can be absolutely anything at all. If watching back to back episodes of the latest trash TV makes you happy, do it! Or if computer games are your thing, set time aside to play. For me it can be anything from an early morning workout class to sitting down to write a new blog post. If you’re stuck for ideas, here’s a list of things to do when bored at home. […]


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